All About Fish Leg Massage

Are you bored with these typical leg massages and want a different massage experience? Then let me introduce you to the fascinating Fish Massage. Have you ever heard of it? I am sure you must hear of it once at least and now curious to know more about it… Well, here we are… Fish for…


Why Does Glute Massage Hurt?

Have you ever experienced discomfort or even pain during a glute massage? Well, you are not the only one! While a massage is typically associated with relaxation and relief, why does glute massage hurt? Basically the buttocks pain after massage is related to the sensory neuron and the gluteal area sensitivity. In the human body, there…

is pressotherapy effective

Is Pressotherapy Effective?

Pressotherapy is a clinical therapeutic technique that involves the application of intermittent pressure to the body. This therapy has gained quite a popularity in recent days. Besides its popularity many people are still confused is pressotherapy is effective or not? Broadly speaking pressotherapy is specifically for unblocking the lymphatic drainage system. Many Scientific and researchers…